LKS2 Newsletter 13/1/23

Happy Friday everybody!

We have had a busy and fun week of learning in LKS2…

The Y4s have started work on short multiplication in their maths lessons. On Monday, they used counters and place value charts to represent multiplication questions, physically exchanging across place value columns when necessary.








In French this week, we began our new topic of transport. We learned lots of new vocabulary for different modes of transport, then practised our new vocab in a game of ‘Loto!’ After this, we worked in partners, one partner acted out a mode of transport and asked the question ‘Qu’est-ce que c’est?’ and the other had to reply in a full sentence.










Miss Bourne’s math’s groups have been practicing their 8 times tables. We played a game with our partner to help us improve our fluency.









We had a fantastic science lesson this week, looking at food packages and learning how to interpret the nutrition labels. After exploring and comparing different foods, we investigated the statement ‘All foods that are high in fat are also high in salt’. We completed a table noting down the salt and fat content of a variety of foods, then used this evidence to draw a conclusion on whether we agreed with the statement or not.










In English, we are reading a book all about Julius Caesar. This week, we had a debate on whether or not Caesar should invade Britain. We started by reading a text which told us about Caesar’s ambitions in Gaul and beyond. After reading it, we identified information which could be used to argue for Caesar invading Britain, for example that victory could earn him lots of money. Then we identified reasons against him invading. After discussing both sides, we each decided whether to argue for or against Caesar’s invasion. We debated the question as a class, using evidence from the text to support and construct our arguments.








In Food Technology this week we learnt all about food hygiene and safety. Children explored what good practice in a kitchen looked like and how to each other safe.  Everyone enjoyed debating which foods should be stored in a fridge and why it was important to store food correctly to avoid cross contamination. 










Please be aware that next Thursday (19th January) ALL children will have Forest School and must come in Forest School clothes.

A reminder about homework – please encourage your child to log on to Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed at least 3 times a week. It is a great help to the children as it supports the learning we are doing in lessons. If you need a copy of your child’s login details, or are struggling to access the programme, please speak to your child’s class teacher!


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The LKS2 team 🙂

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500