LKS2 – Newsletter – 24.02.23

It’s been a busy first week back for LKS2! 

Before we get started, here are our new Spelling Shed words for next week: 

Y3 – great, grate, grown, groan, main, mane, meet, meat, missed, mist Y4 – serious, obvious, curios, hideous, spontaneous, courteous, furious, various, victorious, gaseous 

Please continue to encourage your child to go on Spelling Shed and practise these words with them at home. 

In English this week, we were introduced to our new book, “Across the Wall” and begun looking at our new genre – newspaper reports. 

Year 4 have completed a range of activities, including oracy and drama to act out our predictions, using evidence from the text to support these predictions and facilitate our role play. In writing, we have thought lots about what paragraphs are used for, and on Tuesday, we sorted lots of different statements into topics and themes, thinking of sub-headings for each. 










In Year 3 this week, we started took at how we can use paragraphs to group information. To learn our new skills, we were given a set of sentences from a fact file which had all been jumbled up. We had to group the sentences together into 3 paragraphs, making sure they were all about the same topic/theme. Then we ordered the sentences within each paragraph, and finally added subtitles. As the week continued, we looked at finding key words to understand when the topic changes and used this knowledge to insert paragraphs into an extract. In reading, we started to learn about inference skills. We started to think about what we can ‘see’ in the text and what we ‘know’ about this to help us make an inference. We used this to help us solve some riddles.. First we were given a clue from a riddle.  On sugar paper, we listed all the possible options it could be using what we knew about the clue. Each time we got a new clue, we added more things or crossed out any that it could not be until we got our answer.  









In maths this week, Year 4 have begun their new topic, which is fractions. We have been focusing on fractions which make a whole, and counting beyond a whole. We have used numicon and bar models to help us visualise this and Miss Evans and Bennett have been blown away by our perseverance. Keep it up Year4! 








Year 3 have started to look at fractions. We have also looked at the different parts that make up a fraction – numerator and denominator. We then had a turn at reading and write some simple fractions by shading shapes and then we had a go at comparing and ordering them. 

In Science this week, we continued our topic ‘Animals Including Humans’, focusing on the digestive system. We learnt all of the different organs which play a vital role, before taking part in a messy, fun practical which showed us how the digestive system worked. We then linked each stage in our practical lesson to a stage in the digestive system, and will use this to further our learning next week. 











In computing, we investigated what the term ‘nesting’ means in computing by comparing two algorithms which had exactly the same sequence of commands, but very different outputs. We realised that this difference was due to the way the commands had been ‘nested’ – namely, which event or control they had been written inside. Then, we implemented the procedure of coding, testing and debugging to complete a set of challenges on the three Purple Mash programs, beginning on the Jumping Monkey.










We learnt about the impact of the Romans on Britain, this week in History. We begun by looking at two pictures, before and after the Romans invaded, to notice any similarities and differences – there were some big changes! Then, we compared Roman Britain to modern day Britain, in order to see how these changes influenced the way we live today. We created a venn diagram to represent this. 









In Geography, we used maps, atlases and digital maps to compare the human features of Rome and Leeds. We used ordnance survey maps, and other symbols on google maps, to look for important features, such as airports, train stations and key landmarks. We also read different texts to find out information, such as the population, main religions and languages spoken in both cities. 










Yesterday and today, all classes had their Forest School session in the garden. We focused on different fire lays, and continued with our challenge of creating and maintaining a successful fire. All groups showed great resilience, even when things got tough! 










Important Notices: 

  • Parent’s Evening – Monday 27th February and Monday 6th March. Please sign up on the website if you would like an appointment. 
  •  World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day. We would love children to dress up as their favourite book character! Please see the website for more details on how we will be spending our day. 


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500