LKS2 – Newsletter – 24.11.23
We have finished another week and the countdown to Christmas is truly on in LKS2. We have had wonderful Christmas play rehearsals, crafty preparations for the fair and not forgetting our fantastic Christmas singing! Thank you to everyone who brought in the many chocolates and bottles for the Christmas fair – we are very grateful for your support!
This week in Class 6 the children worked in pairs to do some role play for the Maths activities. One person was a travel agent and the other was a customer. The customer presented the problem to the travel agent who had to write down (find) the information provided. They then had to solve the customers problem. The customer also had to solve the problem to ensure the travel agent had solved their problem correctly.

We have also continued to build on our knowledge of Forest School games in our sessions this week. We revisited why games are important and what makes them fun and fair. Then we played some familiar Forest School games such as Ninja Sticks and Stick Toss. We then played a team game where one member of the team was blindfolded and the rest of the team had to direct them to a specific cone. We made this harder by changing the language we could use to direct the team member to only ‘hot’ and ‘cold’. We discussed how communication was important for team work. Finally, we used these skills to build a nest for an egg drop challenge. In the challenge we had to make a nest out of the natural resources we could find in our outdoor areas. We then put an egg into our nests and tested the success of them by dropping them from a height. We had quite a few eggs survive the fall, well done LKS2!

In Computing this week we completed a carousel of activities that developed our understanding of email safety. We used the laptops and iPads to reply to Miss Nodding’s email on Purplemash. We practiced our typing skills, moving to the line below, adding capital letters and emojis. Our second task was to stick examples of emails into our books and explain how we would respond to them. These emails covered our eSafety focus of not clicking unknown links, not meeting up with strangers or sending people personal information. We also made a poster to explain the do’s and don’ts of email safety.

In PSHE Year 3 looked at the different influences we have in our life like family, friends and religion. We talked about things we find difficult to do and then we reframed the things we find tricky into a positive statement and created goals from these. Our goals were not only short term, but many of us consider long term goals also! Finally, we looked at different ways we can offer to help someone to reframe their difficulties.

We have been busy making our Christmas Fair crafts across LKS2 and we are very excited for you to see them all. Class 6 have made some wonderful baubles and Class 7 have been busy decorating photos. In Class 4, we created snowmen candles using air dry clay and marker pens to decorate them in our own unique styles. We hope to see you at the Christmas Fair!