LKS2 – Newsletter – w.c. 12.01.24
What a fantastic week it has been in LKS2!
This week in Science, children in LKS2 started their learning about sound in science. After having defined sound, they created their own musical instrument to investigate how they can change the volume and pitch.
Miss Nodding’s Maths groups have explored the difference between grouping and sharing. We worked as a small group to identify whether the question involves sharing or grouping and used appropriate concrete manipulatives to consolidate our understanding of these key skills. First, we looked at a bar model questions and used our sharing circles to support us in our working out. We then used counters to group amounts and apply our 10 times table knowledge to solve the problem. After this, we used the concrete resource of stickers to share with our partners and solves problems that involved dividing by 2. These practical activities helped us to make sense of what the question is asking, as well as what the answer represents.

Today, the children in Miss Chambers’ maths class started their learning about fractions! To do this, they used chocolate to investigate halves and quarters. Then, they used White Rose Maths questions to identify the fraction and decimal equivalents.
Year 3 and 4 spent the afternoon revisiting their fire making skills. It began with children having to name and critique some pre-made fire lays in the poly tunnel before splitting into two groups to complete two separate challenges. The first task involved building a range of fire lays thinking about the different features of each and in which situations different fire lays may be more beneficial than others. In the second activity, children were tasked with using flint and steel to make sparks for fire lighting. All the children were able to do this and built on their knowledge of the various types of fire lays and their purposes. Next week, we are looking at combining the two skills to begin making our very own fires with the eventual aim of cooking Ancient Egyptian flatbreads.
Today, the children role-played the stages of mummification. They used (fake) brains, organs and intestines to carefully follow each stage of the sacred process. Also, they made their own canopic jars to put each organ in.
Please find below LKS2’s half-termly newsletter and optional homeowrk grid for this half-term.
LKS2 Homework Grid Spring 1
Newsletter – LKS2 Spring 1
We hope you have a lovely weekend. Children will need to be in normal school uniform on Monday (15th). Also, Year 4 will begin swimming again on Wednesday (17th).