LKS2 – weekly update
Happy Friday everyone! We hope you are all keeping safe and happy at home.
Your teachers have been busy working in school and at home, but are still managing to get out and about! Miss Evans went to visit Bolton Abbey in the sunshine last week, and loved learning about the history of the abbey. She also went on a (very rainy) walk near Haworth, which is where the Brontë sisters grew up.

Do you remember the storms we had a couple of weeks ago? Mr Gamble was surprised to find a tree in his garden which was struck by lightning! Here are some pictures he took…

Miss Briscoe has enjoyed a lovely walk around Paul’s Pond:

And finally, Miss Boyd has been extremely busy moving house!
We have enjoyed talking to many of you on the phone this week. It was lovely to hear all the exciting things you’ve been up to, including creating Viking posters, practising your times tables, and learning to tell the time. You are all fabulous.
Ella has been working really hard over the last couple of weeks. She has done lots of maths and is reading loads of books. She has also made this incredible Viking settlement! We love your creativity, Ella, well done!

Hugo has taken an interest in British trees, so he has printed a leaf matching game which he takes on his walks. He has also made a Viking longship out of Lego, and created a video using an animation app. Brilliant work, Hugo!

Here are some screenshots from his animation:

We love hearing from you and seeing pictures of the wonderful things you are doing at home. Please let us know what you’ve been up to by emailing
Home learning
On Monday, the home learning site will be updated. It will contain activities for you to complete over the next 2 weeks. Remember, this is just a guide – please feel free to adapt your learning in ways that suit you. The website links at the bottom of the home learning page might give you some ideas!
Weekly challenge
We hope some of you managed some meditation last week! This week’s challenge is to help an adult at home to cook a meal of your choice. Do some research to find a recipe, help your adult shop for the ingredients and then help to cook the meal for your family! Remember to let us know how you get on by emailing the address above.
Message from Mrs Ledda
Mrs Ledda has offered to do some portraits of any parents or family members who are key workers. Look at this amazing portrait she’s already done!

If you are interested, please get in touch with school!
Have a lovely weekend and keep smiling 🙂
The LKS2 team