Parental Consent form – Motor Skills trial
A Friendly reminder to parents to complete the consent form for the FunMoves Motor Screening. Please complete one per child, so if you have multiple children in school we need a consent form for each child.
The consent we require is so that we can send your child’s scores to the University, so they will provide a detailed intervention programme for your child, which will be completed within school during the 12 week trial. This will then generate a report at the end for the child, which may help if you wanted to make a referral to a physiotherapist or Occupational therapist if there are still concerns after the intervention has been completed.
If you do not provide consent for your child, they will still participate in the screening as it is part of our P.E lesson, but their information and data will not be sent and they will not receive an intervention programme and a report of this will not be generated, therefore sent home at the end of the trial.
Please see the original post below:
The University of Bradford would like to complete a Yorkshire-wide Motor Skills screening with lots of different Primary Schools, and have asked if our school would like to take part (Year groups 1-6 only).
The purpose of this study is to trial a new assessment of fundamental movement skills. Fundamental movement skills are 3 main types of abilities children display in a playground: balance, moving objects (e.g. kicking a ball) and moving through space (e.g. running). Research has found that these abilities are important in schooling, as they have been linked to childhood academic attainment.
The activities will be part of your child’s normal P.E session and it will contain short (no more than 30 seconds) activities which assess, running, jumping, hopping, throwing, kicking and static balance. The trial will take place over a 12 week period and the children are assessed at the start and end of the trial. Each child receives an individual intervention resource provided by the University of Bradford and this will be implemented in school – we may even be asked to send home some of these activities!
In order for your child to participate, we need your consent as it is a research study, as they will be collecting demographic information about your child from the school such as date of birth, ethnicity, sex, free school meal status, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) status (e.g. diagnoses of developmental disorders such as Autism and ADHD and physical disabilities), year group and class.
ALL INFORMATION OBTAINIED WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. The research team will replace pupil’s names with code numbers and only the research team and school will have access to this encoded information. No information about any individual child will appear in any public report. Reports will refer to the combined scores taken from all children. The study has received ethical approval from the University of Bradford (ref: E1026).
Please click the link and complete the following consent form if you are happy for your child to take part – there is a link on the form to more information about the study as well.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Dr Lucy Eddy or
The Trial will begin after the half term holiday therefore we need your consent before then.
Thank you