Summer Fair Saturday 22nd June 12-4pm

Dear Parents/Carers,
Our fantastic Summer Fair is only 9 days away! As ever the success of the fair is down to the support of you, our amazing parents. With school budgets increasingly challenging, it’s more important than ever to raise funds to ensure we can continue to offer our extensive additional curriculum offer such as forest schools, cooking, wood working and alternative PE.
This year promises to be the biggest and best fair we have ever hosted. From fair rides, gel nail bar, goat walking to axe throwing. Independent sellers to a cheap professional photographer to take family portraits (come dressed up!). Food stalls, face painting, beer and prosecco tent, BBQ, raffles (we have some amazing prizes), bottle stalls and a poetry slam to name a few!!!!!!
Please could we ask you to support school with donations and visiting the fair itself. The things we would really appreciate donations of, are as follows.
THIS WEEK (The pile looks a bit sad currently)
- ‘Bring a Bottle’ – bottles in all shapes and sizes for the bottle tombola – alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, toiletries etc.
- ‘Jam jars’ – fill them with sweets or ‘goodies’ for the jar stall.
- ‘Chocolate/sweets’ – any chocolate/sweet items, bars, boxes, tubes.
- ‘Hampers’ – All foods must be non-perishable such as pasta, rice, jars, meal kits etc.
- Week commencing 17th June: Toys, Books and Entertainment
- ‘Toys’ – are there items that your children are getting too old for? Toys, games, good quality clean soft toys and teddies.
- ‘Entertainment & Books’ – books and CD’s
- ‘Gifts’ – jewellery, gifts, toiletries.
Thursday and Friday 20th and 21st June Mop up week and Cake Day
- ‘Cake Day’ – cakes, buns and other home produce
- Anything at all from the above weeks.
School stalls will be operating using the token system which we used successfully at the Christmas Fair. Mr Kershaw will be selling these on the school playground at the end of each day between 17th to 20th June, he can accept both cash and card payments.
On the day, independent sellers will be taking cash and card payments.
The Poetry Slam will take place at 2 pm.
If you are able to help set up, run a stall or help close down at the end of the day please let the school office know. As we currently do not have a PTA school staff are organising and facilitating this event.
If you could donate a gazebo/marquee or a gas BBQ for the day please get in touch.
Please donate what you can, all contributions are appreciated and together make a really big difference. Thank you for helping to make our Summer Fair a success.
Cookridge Team.