UKS2 – Christmas Arrangements

Christmas is well underway at Cookridge as we near our final week of the term! Below I have just outlined some key information for you to be aware of. Please have a read and feel free to come and see me on the gate or email/phone school if you have any further questions.

UKS2/EYFS Carol Concert – 15.10.23

We would love our children to wear their winter/festive jumpers for this. They can come to school in them tomorrow and wear them all day – please ensure they wear their other usual uniform. There is no need for them to get changed. Also, if you still haven’t booked tickets, please click the following link for further information:

Carol Concert Booking

Christmas Jumpers

Following the Carol Concert, pupils are welcome to wear their christmas/festive jumpers throughout the final week along with their other usual uniform.

Christmas Disco

On Tuesday 19th December, it is the school Christmas disco. If you would like to purchase a ticket for your child, please do this via their Parent Pay account. The KS2 disco will start at 4.45pm – 5.45pm. Please ensure a named adult collects your child, they will not have permission to walk home alone after the disco.

Christmas Party Afternoon

On Friday 22nd December, we will be having our class Christmas parties. Pupils are welcome to bring in a few small snacks/chocolates for themselves to eat. We will be playing party games and having lots of fun. Please ensure that they do not bring any food containing nuts.

Christmas Dinner Day

Also on the final day, Friday 22nd December, it is our school Christmas dinner day! If your child normally has as a school dinner, you do not need to do anything. If your child usually has a packed lunch but you would like them to have a school Christmas dinner on this day, please pay the £2.67 on their Parent Pay account asap.

We hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year!

UKS2 Team


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500