Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

It was an extremely cold day today for our wellbeing sessions but nevertheless the pupils really enjoyed themselves and had lots of fun. The younger group’s session focused around animals in winter and the struggle they face to survive. Using the sprinkling of snow we had last night, we went animal tracking! Around our school grounds we found lots of different footprints left by animals overnight and the children had great fun at identifying the animals that visited our school in the dark. Afterwards, and in slightly warmer conditions in the poly tunnel, children were tasked with creating one of the animals we had tracked using loose parts. Once finished, pupils framed their pictures using sticks. The older group also enjoyed animal tracking in the snow and ice before making animals using loose parts. Their second challenge was to use loose parts to create hanging ice decorations. Using sticks, leaves, stones and fallen berries, pupils designed patterns and shapes inside plates before adding string for a handle. Hopefully, they will freeze solid overnight allowing us to hang them from tree branches in our Forest School area.

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