Year 4 – Breary Marsh & Golden Acre Trip

What a fantastic day to spend some time in the woods doing Forest School and in Golden Acre to learn more about our science topic – Plants! For Forest School, we promoted wellbeing and mental health strategies by promoting the love of the outdoors and nature. As part of our activities, all pupils participated in sit spotting, where we spent some time sitting down on the forest floor and tuning into nature. Children were set a challenge which focused on the senses. Pupils had to see five things, hear four sounds, touch three things, indentify two smells and discover one thing they could taste (without being tempted to actually do it!) Afterwards, pupils recreated something they ‘spotted’ during the activity using natural resources. There was also time for forest bathing, tree hugging and learning how to rig, and enjoy some mindfulness time, in one of our hammocks. After lunch and now in Golden Acre, groups participated in three activities which helped to consolidate or further their scientific knowledge on plants. These involved acting out the pollination process by acting as bees with cotton pads to collect as much pollen from different flower species, learning about seed dispersal through and active, outdoor game using pine cones and going on a plants and tree identification hunt through the grounds of Golden Acre.  

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500