Year 4 – Forest School Games

Pupils in Year 4 have continued to build on their knowledge of Forest School games in today’s session. We revisited why games are important and what makes them fun and fair. Then we played some familiar Forest School games such as Ninja Sticks and Fire and Tarps before learning two new ones. First of all, we played a version of rock, paper, scissors using our bodies to represent the objects we wanted to be. We then discussed how we could change the game to different actions using nature or things we do in Forest School. The second game we learnt was ‘Stick Toss’ where we had to transfer a stick from one player to another; being careful not to drop it! We began by rolling the stick to a partner before up-levelling the game by introducing the harder challenge of tossing the stick without it touching the floor. We then came together to discuss successes and shared tips for everyone to try to make the game easier. 

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