EYFS (Reception) – Help at home

In the event of the school closure, or your child/ren or family member self isolating, we have designed this page to help parents at home with work for your child/ren to complete.

In order to keep some kind of routine for you child/ren we have attached a potential timetable if you want to use it.

Lesson Plans for Parents

We have created a new section here to provide you with day-to-day planning in PDF format. These are the slides that we would use to teach your child in class so they should be clear and easy to follow. There are five sections within the slides, one for each day. You will see starter and recap slides followed by a main activity and we will provide Maths, Phonics and Reading. As we are unable to assess your child’s understanding and progress, please create a post on Tapestry and let us know how your child is getting on. If you would like extended or simplified activities just ask and we’ll be happy to provide this.

Online Phonics Lessons

Follow the above link to see a document that provides you with phonics resources, information and a link to daily phonics lessons, introduced by celebrities!  

Teacher's Videos

Here you will see some videos that the Reception staff have created. They will bring the classroom to your home and will enable your child to continue to enjoy familiar learning whilst recapping on key skills learnt.


Alphabet Song

High Frequency Word recap

Grapheme Phoneme correspondence

Phonics Phase 5


The BFG - Part One

The BFG - Part Four

The BFG - Part Seven

The BFG - Part Ten

The BFG - Part Thirteen

The BFG - Part Sixteen

The BFG - Part Nineteen

The BFG - Part Two

The BFG - Part Five

The BFG - Part Eight

The BFG - Part Eleven

The BFG - Part Fourteen

The BFG - Part Seventeen

The BFG - Part Twenty

The BFG - Part Three

The BFG - Part Six

The BFG - Part Nine

The BFG - Part Twelve

The BFG - Part Fifteen

The BFG - Part Eighteen

James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach - Part One

James and the Giant Peach - Part Four

James and the Giant Peach - Part Seven

James and the Giant Peach - Part Ten

James and the Giant Peach - Part Thirteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Sixteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Nineteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Twenty Two

James and the Giant Peach - Part Two

James and the Giant Peach - Part Five

James and the Giant Peach - Part Eight

James and the Giant Peach - Part Eleven

James and the Giant Peach - Part Fourteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Seventeen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Twenty

James and the Giant Peach - Part Three

James and the Giant Peach - Part Six

James and the Giant Peach - Part Nine

James and the Giant Peach - Part Twelve

James and the Giant Peach - Part Fifteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Eighteen

James and the Giant Peach - Part Twenty One

George's Marvellous Medicine

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part One

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Four

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Seven

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Ten

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Sixteen

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Two

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Five

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Eight

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Eleven

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Three

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Six

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Nine

George's Marvellous Medicine - Part Twelve

The Twits

The Twits - Part One

The Twits - Part Four

The Twits - Part Seven

The Twits - Part Ten

The Twits - Part Two

The Twits - Part Five

The Twits - Part Eight

The Twits - Part Three

The Twits - Part Six

The Twits - Part Nine

Week beginning 30th March

Week beginning 6th April

Week beginning 13th April

Week beginning 20th April

Week beginning 27th April

Week beginning 11th May

Phonics Phase 5

Week beginning 18th May

Week beginning 25th May

Week beginning 1st June

Week beginning 8th June

Week beginning 15th June

Week beginning 29th June

Week beginning 6th July

Week beginning 13th July

Mrs Arnott's Scavenger Hunts

Tricky Words

Tricky words  Click here to find guidance and ideas for practising recall of these high-frequency but phonically irregular words.

Phase 4 Phonics

Phase 4 Phonics Guidance Click here for support and guidance to learning about consonant blends and clusters.

There are useful resources and guidance regarding Phase 4 Phonics on the Letters and Sounds website: 



Phase 4 Phonics - Blends and Clusters

Paper planes with Mrs Arnott

Mrs Arnott has been dreaming of her perfect summer holiday. She has made and decorated a paper plane to fly somewhere lovely for a pretend vacation! Mrs Arnott has also made a picture of the place she would like to visit.

Can you have a go at following the video to make and decorate a paper plane? Which colours would you use and why? If you do, post it on Tapestry and maybe write a sentence to tell us a bit about where you would go and why!


Fruit and veggie creatures with Mrs Arnott

Mrs Arnott has been busy making creatures from different fruits and vegetables! What do you think of her creations?

Can you take up Mrs Arnott’s challenge and make your own fruit and veggie creatures? If you do, make sure you give them a name and write a sentence to tell us a bit about them!

‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ with Mrs Phelan

Mrs Phelan has been in school today, and whilst there she decided to read a story for everyone at home. By the looks of it, she also ran into a surprising visitor to Reception!

Will you take up Mrs Phelan’s challenge to continue the ‘Bear Hunt’ story?



Baking with Mrs Arnott

Mrs Arnott has been baking this morning. She has explained the different steps using words such as ‘first’ and ‘next’.

Will you take up Mrs Arnott’s challenge to do your own baking?


Today I was inspired by reading about Mrs Twits horrid trick to make Mr Twit eat worms so I went and learned a little about earthworms on the internet.

Earthworms are amazing creatures that help to make our soil rich and fertile for growing plants in. They like it best when the soil is moist/wet which made it a bit tricky when I went on a worm hunt in the bright sun after many dry days… but I didn’t give up!

I found a worm in my garden and took a close look at it. Can you try and find a worm in the soil  somewhere? If you can, take a very close look at it and see what you can tell about it.

Take a look at this website and see if you can learn any other interesting facts about worms. Let us know what you find out!



Look after each other! 

Mr Green.

Phonics Challenge – ‘ar’ 

As we would be learning about the ‘ar’ phoneme in school today, I have been busy making an ‘ar’ card!

The ‘ar’ digraph (two letters that make one sound) is found in lots of words we use all the time! 

If you have a piece of paper of card perhaps you could have a go at making an ‘ar’ card too? Take a look at my pictures for some ideas of ‘ar’ words to include in your card. Also, you may find ideas on the ‘ar’ page in your take-home pack.

Can you include a sentence using at least one ‘ar’ word?


Post any pictures of your ‘ar’ cards on Tapestry for us to see. Good luck!

Look after each other! 

Mr Green.

Phonics – ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ phonemes in my garden!

Hello everybody at home!

I hope everyone is doing okay. I am already missing our class so thought I’d put up something to challenge you guys to do some writing for me!

I have been out in the sun planting seeds and beans. This got me to thinking about the different vowel sound families and how there is more than one way to make some sounds.

We have so far looked at ‘ee’ (tree) as a way to make a long ‘e’ vowel sound, but today I needed another way to help me spell some words. 

The phoneme ‘ea’ can also make the same sound as ‘ee’ and is used in lots of words that you might know, such as ‘heat’ ‘beat’ ‘mean’ and ‘peas’!

Take a look at my pictures and see if you can read my chalk sentences (the sun was very bright so I’m sorry if it’s hard to read them!).

I am also attempting (!) to upload a video which offers you a challenge to do a little writing. Good luck and I look forward to seeing what you’re all up to on Tapestry. 

Look after each other! 

Mr Green.

Mr Green's Garden

Useful online links

Age appropriate work


The following are home learning guides full of activities for each topic.

Complete different levels on Numbots

Every child was sent home with their own logins for the website Numbots.  Completing the different levels on this game will help develop children continue to work on their understanding of number.

Complete challenges set on PurpleMash

Every child was sent home with their own logins for the website PurpleMash. On this website teachers have set, and can update as needed, different ‘2dos’ for children to complete and hand in. 

Other maths activities



The following are home learning guides full of activities for each phonic phase.

Upcoming grapheme worksheets

Re-write a traditional tale

We have been learning about a number of traditional tales recently (The three little pigs, Jack and the beanstalk, for example).

Can you:

  • write a sentence from one of these stories?
  • re-write the story with a different ending
  • draw a picture from one of these stories then write a sentence about it

Dear diary

Keep a diary of all the things that you do whilst at home. Start each entry with:

Dear diary…



Create a small world based on traditional tales:

  • Use a small box/shoe box
  • Create mini characters and props that would be found in the story
  • Children should be encouraged to re-tell the story to ensure the correct characters/props are in the scene
  • Upload a picture to Tapestry showing the finished scene with some details about your child’s conversation/play/language used.

Create a picture from a traditional tale that shows a scene with all it’s characters.

  • This can be extended. Encourage children to write a sentence about their picture/scene. They may even be able to re-write the story using features of narrative: Once upon a time/They all lived happily ever after.
  • Encourage children to use the phoneme sheets that were given out at parent’s evening.
  • Useful resources can also be found on the school’s website under Children:Subject guidance: English if you/they are unsure of the pronunciation of specific sounds
  • Upload a picture to Tapestry so that we can see their great work!

Twinkl have made accessing resources free. They have a huge array of traditional tale resources. You may need to register but you will not need to sign up to a paid account.




Please help yourselves to the resources that we have put on the table by the cloakroom door to help with your home learning.

  • scissors
  • glue
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • paper

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
