KS1 – Updated home learning resources

Good morning everyone,

It has been lovely seeing all of amazing work you have been doing at home. Please keep sending in your photographs, so we can share your work with others.

We have uploaded more home learning resources onto the school website, under COVID-19, home learning platform. These include Reading, Writing and Maths activities.

Below is a sample of the activities. 

Story telling cards

Story telling cards

Roll the dice and see what number it lies on. Match the number of the dice to a picture. Repeat the process until you have a character, setting and object. 


Can you create a story either orally or written?

Fluency sheet

Using the four operations, can you solve the calculations?

Fluency 10 New

Maths and English work booklet

Year 1 Independent Maths and English Work Booklet

Year 1 read and respond activity



Nadyne has been very busy, completing her home learning activities. Well done Nadyne!

Hello videos

Please keep sending in your hello videos. If you would prefer, you can send in a picture of yourself with a written message.

Enjoy the new activities.

Key Stage 1 Team x

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
